std::Pair class

Instances of the Pair class represent immutable pairs of two arbitrary values. Pairs can only be constructed using the colon (:) operator. A typical use of pair objects is as arguments to the constructor of the std::Map class, where pairs represent (key, value) pairs, and in range indexing.

class Pair
The Pair type. Pair objects can be constructed using the colon (:) operator. Within an index expression (inside square brackets [ ]), the left or right operand, or both, can be left out; in this case the values default to nil.

Member constants

The first (left) item in the pair.
The second (right) item in the pair.


x : y
Construct the pair (x, y).
pair == x
Pair objects can be compared for equality. Two pairs are equal if and only if both their left and right items are equal.
Convert a pair to a string.
Return the hash value of a pair.