set: Set type

The Set class implements a set of objects. Any objects that can be used as Map keys can be added to a set. The Set class enforces the set constraint: any object may be included in a set at most a single time. An object can be added to a set even when the set already contains that object, but the operation will have no effect. The order of item additions and removals is not significant — a set object only records which objects are currently included in the set, but the objects have no specific order.

Class Set<T>

Implements Iterable<T>

class Set()
Construct an empty set.
class Set(iterable as Iterable<T>)
Construct and initialize a set. Iterate over the contents of the argument, which must be an iterable object, and add them to the set. Example:
Set([1, 3, "x"])     -- Set with items 1, 3 and "x"

Set methods

length() as Int
Return the number of objects in the set.
add(object as T)
Add an object to the set. If the object is already in the set, this operation does nothing.
remove(object as T)
Remove an object from the set. Do nothing if the object is not included in the set.
iterator() as Iterator<T>
Return an iterator object that iterates over all the objects in the set in an arbitrary order.
copy() as Set<T>
Return a copy of the set with the same items as the original set.

Note: Only item references are copied to the new set — the items itself are not duplicated.

Set operations

Set objects support the following operations:

x in set (Object in Set<T> ⇒ Boolean)
Test whether a set contains a specific object.
for x in set (for T in Set<T>)
Set contents can be iterated with a for loop. The objects are iterated in an arbitrary order.
set1 == set2 (Set<T> == Object)
Compare sets for equality. Two sets are equal if they contain the same objects.
Return a string representation of a set.
Return the hash value of a set.